
- Design clinic Simanjiro

The Orkonerei Maasai Social Initiative (OMASI) in Tanzania aimed at establishing a clinic at the Rotiana Estate in the Simanjiro district to provide preventive and curative healthcare services for OMASI staff as well as the neighbouring population. In 2013, OMASI requested AMPC to develop the technical definition of the project, including a functional programme, an architectural master plan, floor plans, equipment and installation requirements. AMPC conducted several site visits and organised stakeholder meetings. The input from these visits and meetings was incorporated in the functional plan which defined the outline of the clinic regarding scope of services offered and its required size. Based on this technical definition, AMPC designed the architectural master plan, corresponding floor plans and 3D-visualisations. The equipment plan defined all necessary (non-)medical equipment and furniture, including ICT and other technical installations (e.g. air handling, water and sanitation, electrical installations), as well as detailed budgets for all the equipment.

Rotiana Clinic
Scope of Services Healthcare facility design