
- Kassala Health Citadel

The Sudanese Ministry of Health aims to improve health services in Kassala State by establishing a medical campus: the Kassala Health Citadel (KHC). The proposed location already houses several public healthcare facilities including a maternity hospital, a diagnostic centre, a laboratory and a blood bank. AMPC was contracted by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) to develop a Master Plan for the KHC that would ensure the possibility to attend all types of referral patients and house all the necessary central administrative and support functions to integrate the existing and new facilities into one organisational body. After having analysed the available project information, AMPC first defined a functional plan for the KHC, describing the scope of services to be provided and allocating them to the existing or newly to be designed facilities. These units include a general hospital, a paediatric unit, a chronic disease unit and a general surgical unit. Patient activity projections were made to determine the functional size of each unit. Thereafter, AMPC developed detailed architectural and engineering designs for the rehabilitation and expansion of the existing Saudi Maternity Hospital (SMH), including a relocation plan to minimise the effects of the rehabilitation works on the clinical activities of the hospital.

United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
Scope of Services Healthcare facility design