In 2006, Senegal developed a national policy to fight non-communicable diseases (NCDs), PILMASC for short. In this light, the Senegalese Ministry of Health requested AMPC’s assistance in carrying out a feasibility study and to develop an infrastructural project to support the execution of the PILMASC-programme. The project’s main objective was to introduce measures addressing diagnostic and treatment programmes for the four priority chronic diseases: cancer, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes and renal failure and it intended to make use of international funding plans for its implementation. AMPC started the feasibility study with a baseline study of the healthcare situation in Senegal. Thereafter, the health needs, demands and supply assessment included an assessment of all regional and national hospitals, mapping their needs for diagnostic and treatment facilities for NCDs. Furthermore, in-depth discussions with all local stakeholders formed part of this assessment. To conclude the project, AMPC developed a technical project proposal, including equipment planning, aimed to address all aspects of necessary diagnostics, treatment and cure for the priority NCDs.
© AMPC – Design: Koning Harder – Implementation: Movinmotion Design