AMPC was contracted to undertake a detailed feasibility study of a high-end cardiovascular centre at Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), and to advise on the options available to realise their vision. Firstly, the study focused on the analysis of the health needs, demand and supply of healthcare in Lagos State. Furthermore, it included a thorough market research with an assessment of the prospective public and private patient demand and the identification of supply gaps in the catchment area. Furthermore, a proposal for the optimal public-private partnership (PPP) model was developed based on the results of the analyses. The financial proposal included break-even analyses, CAPEX and OPEX calculations and proposed public/private contributions as well as an analysis of the (cost) implications of the Centre during the concessional period for the public and private stakeholders. Then, AMPC developed the functional plan, conceptual architectural design and preliminary equipment planning for the facility. Lastly, AMPC’s comprehensive, bankable business plan included proposals for the organisational and financial structures for the Centre.
© AMPC – Design: Koning Harder – Implementation: Movinmotion Design