
- Pre-feasibility two regional hospitals

In 2006, AMPC was commissioned by the Development & Relief Corporation (DRC) in the Netherlands to conduct a pre-feasibility study for the Ministry of Health of Niger. The aim of the study was to apply for a grant under the ORET programme from the Dutch government. The feasibility study was focused on two regional hospitals in Niger: the Centres Hospitaliers Réginaux of Maradi and Tahoua. The main components of the pre-feasibility study were a baseline study of the two hospitals, including an inventory of their individual needs and demands as well as the needs and demands as formulated for the project by the Nigerien MoH. Moreover, AMPC’s assignment included an analysis of the possibilities for and chances of success in applying for the Dutch ORET grant by the Nigerien Ministry of Health.

Ministry of Health Niger & Development & Relief Corporation (DRC)
Scope of Services Feasibility study