
- Procurement support two general hospitals

After supporting the Ministry of Health of Mozambique (MISAU) with a feasibility study and detailed designs for the establishment of Beira General Hospital and Marromeu District Hospital, AMPC was asked to support MISAU’s Procurement Unit in the tender and contracting process for the project. The scope of work includes the development of tender documents in line with international competitive bidding norms as well as Mozambican public procurement regulations for seven separate tender processes: two works tenders to contract construction companies to build the hospitals, two goods tenders to contract equipment suppliers to equip each hospital, two services tenders to contract an independent supervisor for each site, and a final services tender to hire a hospital management consultant to support MISAU in the opening and running of the two hospitals. Besides the development of the administrative bases and technical schedules for each tender, AMPC's role also includes bid evaluation and contract negotiations with the successful bidders.

Ministry of Health of Mozambique
Scope of Services Procurement