
- Feasibility study maternal and child health

The Dutch government awarded an ORIO grant to the Malawian government to improve health care in its poorest regions, focussing on maternal and child health as well as to provide early access to HIV and tuberculosis care. In 2012, AMPC was invited to conduct the feasibility study to define the scope of the project, the required interventions and the expected results. AMPC undertook a detailed analysis of the current health needs, demands and supply in the selected regions, aiming specific attention at maternal and child health, diagnostic services and TB screening services. Based on the outcomes of the analysis, AMPC developed a project plan including Bills of Quantities and technical specifications for equipment and infrastructure works, human resources needs and capacity building. Furthermore, the assignment included developing a financial analysis and a five-year preventive and corrective maintenance program including a parts supply system. Lastly, AMPC established centralised training of hospital staff on medical, technical, environmental and management issues.

Ministry of Health of Malawi & Dutch government (ORIO)
Scope of Services Feasibility studyHealthcare facility design