
- Mittaphab Hospital

The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) financed a project to improve maternal and child health services in Laos. One of the project components was the procurement of medical equipment for the Savahhakhet provincial hospital and 11 district hospitals in the provinces of Vientiane Capital and Savannakhet. A public tender process was carried out to select an equipment supplier to provide all the necessary items. AMPC was hired to independently validate the results of this tender process. This included a review of the published tender documents, an administrative and technical evaluation of all bids and independent advice on the validity of the results of the selection process. After the AFD approved the outcome of the re-evaluation, AMPC was asked to support the process to re-launch the tender. Recommendations were made to improve the existing tender documents and evaluation criteria to ensure selection of quality equipment at competitive prices. This included the development of technical specifications for each equipment item. Also AMPC supervised the administrative bid evaluation and independently carried out the technical bid evaluation. This finally allowed the AFD and Laotian Ministry of Health to successfully award the contract.

The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
Scope of Services Equipment planningFeasibility studyHealthcare facility design