
- Feasibility study northern Kenya

The Kenyan government showed interest in applying for an ORIO grant from the Dutch government to finance a project to reinforce the healthcare infrastructure in northern Kenya. AMPC was invited to provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Medical Services for the grant application and the development phase of the project. The Dutch government awarded the grant for the project in 2010. Thirteen existing hospitals located in three provinces – Rift Valley, Eastern and North Eastern Province – have been selected for the project. Firstly, AMPC conducted site assessments of all hospitals, reviewing the current status of the buildings, utilities, equipment, human resources and maintenance regimes in place. Simultaneously, the medical service plan was developed, detailing per hospital level the types of services that should be provided. Thereafter, AMPC developed a detailed project plan, describing the infrastructural rehabilitation requirements, equipment needs and specifications, human resource training and maintenance management. Furthermore, a social and environmental impact assessment was conducted. Lastly, financial modelling provided the client with valuable insight into costs, revenues and outputs of the project.

Ministry of Health of Kenya & Dutch Government (ORIO)
Scope of Services Feasibility studyHealthcare facility designHospital assessment