DAP Motors, a fully Ghanaian owned business, has the ambition to establish a high-end private hospital in the Lapaz area of Accra: St Michael’s Specialist Hospital (SMSH). Although construction works on the 9-storey building already started in 2016, project implementation had come to a hold due to a lack of financing. AMPC was contracted by DAP to develop a bankable business plan for the initiative and to assist in sourcing for funding to continue implementation of the project. First, a market study was carried out to determine the potential demand at SMSH. Based on the outcomes, a functional programme was developed determining the scope of service provision and the size of the hospital. Conceptual architectural designs were also included in the assignment, as well as a high-level equipment planning. Financial modelling was carried out to determine feasibility of the project. The bankable business case that was developed was used by AMPC to obtain export credit financing from a Dutch bank to implement the project.
© AMPC – Design: Koning Harder – Implementation: Movinmotion Design