Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) teamed up with Philips Healthcare to explore the feasibility of establishing a diagnostic imaging centre under a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) agreement. AMPC was contracted to provide technical and financial advisory services to Philips Healthcare and the Administration of KNUST on the transaction structure for the proposed Diagnostic Centre of Excellence. First of all, a high-level market study was carried out to determine the target population and possible demand for advanced imaging services, and the feasibility of investing in different imaging modalities was examined. Thereafter, AMPC described several options for structuring the PPP including a risks and benefits analysis for both the public and private partner. Finally, also based on extensive financial modelling of the different options, a recommendation was made for the most appropriate PPP transaction structure.
© AMPC – Design: Koning Harder – Implementation: Movinmotion Design