
- Gushegu District Hospital

In 2005, the Ghanaian Ministry of Health was awarded with an ORET-grant from the Dutch government to establish a district hospital in Gushegu. MeduProf-S was contracted to conduct a technical assistance and training programme and AMPC was subcontracted to implement a hospital hygiene and waste management capacity building programme. This programme aimed at protecting the health and safety of staff, patients and the local population as well as minimising the environmental impact of the hospital’s operations. Firstly, AMPC assessed the existing situation regarding hospital hygiene and waste management in terms of policies, human resource capacity and current practice. The outcomes were compared to international standards to identify strengths and weaknesses. Based on the collected information and together with the main stakeholders, a tailor-made training programme with hands-on training was developed. After the development and implementation of the training curriculum, AMPC, in close cooperation with the hospital’s staff, compiled an Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines handbook for the hospital.

Scope of Services Capacity buildingTraining