

The Chilean government started a programme of hospital constructions under Public-Private Partnership agreements. Its Ministry of Health (MINSAL), through a support programme from the Dutch Government, contracted AMPC in 2010 to investigate if and how the purchase of an integral equipment package could be integrated in a infrastructural concession, and how to put this concession on the market. The consultancy’s aim was to develop recommendations for the integration of medical equipment into a PPP-scheme and to elaborate specific Terms of Reference for the tender of the Salvador-Geriátrico Hospital Complex in Santiago de Chile. AMPC made a comparative analysis of PPP-models in health care in other countries, identification of best practices and of possible purchasing models. Furthermore, AMPC designed a conceptual model for the integration of medical equipment into PPP-projects and operationalised it for the hospital. Furthermore, specific recommendations on the definition of the equipment component in the tender, the package of equipment services included in the contract, the design of tender selection, technical and financial award criteria were made.

Ministry of Health of Chile
Scope of Services Equipment planningPPP development