The Ministry of Health of Burkina Faso aims to improve the access to healthcare for mother and child by upgrading five primary health centres into district hospitals able to provide comprehensive emergency obstetric and neonatal care. AMPC carried out a feasibility study for the project. Based on on-site assessments of the existing primary health centres in Karangasso-Vigué, Lena, Mangodara, Gayéri and Tougouri districts, the upgrading needs for each centre were determined. Architectural designs were made for extension of the existing infrastructure or the construction of a completely new facility, and an equipment planning was made for each hospital. The feasibility study further included an environmental and social impact assessments, financial modelling, a capacity building programme and a procurement strategy. The feasibility study was used to present a grant application to the Dutch government and in March 2018 a grant for project implementation was conceded.
© AMPC – Design: Koning Harder – Implementation: Movinmotion Design