
- Huit hôpitaux publics

In the years 2005-2006, AMPC conducted a study of technical-economic feasibility and design of a project for the rehabilitation of public hospitals in Ecuador for the Ministry of Health. The final project defined the rehabilitation and equipping of eight government hospitals in the country, in the cities of Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca. The proposal also included a programme of medical equipment maintenance, technical assistance and staff training. In 2008, when the project had secured funding, AMPC was subcontracted by Dräger Medical to manage the preparation, implementation and monitoring of the works of pre-installation and rehabilitation in the eight hospitals. AMPC’s main tasks included the planning, management and coordination of the pre-installation works and rehabilitation of the hospitals. A quantity survey was conducted and detailed budgets were produced. Furthermore, AMPC recruited and supervised local construction companies and managed the overall project supervision, quality management and evaluation.

Dräger Medical Netherlands
Portée des servicesRenforcement des capacitésSupervision