AMPC International Health Consultants performed a pre-feasibility study back in March 2019. Following selection of the project as being eligible for D2B funding, in 2023 AMPC was subsequently contracted to carry out all necessary pre-investment studies to fully define the project, including the necessary investment at each project site. The 14 RRHs hospitals currently suffer from a lack of resources and assets, dysfunctional equipment and shortage of skilled staff which render these hospitals unable to provide the standard and/or volume of care desired. Due to this, local communities do not trust the care provided at the nearest RRH and seek healthcare services at higher levels (National Referral Hospitals), resulting in an overstressed use of these facilities. Within the scope of the current project, the referral system will be improved mainly in the areas of maternal and neonatal care, surgery, diagnostic imaging and emergency care. The following elements are part of the scope of the project: Construction, expansion and/or renovation of physical infrastructure; Procurement, delivery and installation of new (medical) equipment; Capacity building and transfer of specific knowledge to ensure sustainability of implemented improvements; and Maintenance of all installed equipment. The outcome of the D2B Studies assignment is to develop an integrated project plan and a set of procurement documents required for the eventual sustainable implementation of this project.
© AMPC – Design: Koning Harder – Implementation: Movinmotion Design