With financial support from KfW, the project “Improvement of Mother and Child Care in Urban Areas – Paropakar Maternity and Women’s Hospital Kathmandu I & II”, intends to create a hospital network of modern, client-oriented maternity care by constructing and equipping two Satellite Hospitals for the Paropakar Maternity and Women’s Hospital (PMWH) in Kathmandu and also help increase the capacity of PMWH to enhance its role as a super specialized tertiary care hospital. After having conducted the feasibility study for this project, in February 2024, AMPC - in collaboration with their consortium partner GFA Consulting Group - were appointed as Implementation Consultant, and tasked with bringing the project to life over a period of 5 years. This includes eco-friendly design and construction of two functional extensions to the existing PMWH in Kathmandu, equipping of the Satellite Hospitals as well PMWH to better develop its role as a tertiary level health care facility, and procurement of ambulances for transferring patients to and between the network facilities.
© AMPC – Design: Koning Harder – Implementation: Movinmotion Design